Silicon Rectifier

Product Description

We are reputed for its fine range of tried & trusted products, designed & engineered by people who have been in rectifiers' field for over 35 years. We manufacture wide range of Rectifiers suitable for:

  • Electroplating
  • Anodizing
  • Etching
  • Stripping
  • Hydrogenation
  • Metal Refining / Recovery & other electrochemical processes.

We use linear rolling contact type regulators in our silicon rectifiers. The entire manufacturing process under one roof ensures 100% quality control at each stage of production, and it is with this confidence in our quality & design that we became the 1st company in the industry to offer FIVE YEARS GUARANTEE on rectifiers.

• Our rectifiers are wound with electrolytic prime grade copper strip to minimize power losses. Our equipments are designed liberally as per capacity & are ideally suitable for marginal overloading conditions.

• Our rectifiers are equipped with vertical rolling contact type on load voltage regulators, which are manufactured by us in-house & is actually our forte across the country. Our Voltage Regulators are +/- type wound with heavy section of copper strip & fitted with Carbon Rollers. The copper section is 3 times than that in conventional dimmer/thyristor control rectifiers & hence, losses are less than 20% compared to the latter. Efficiency of our Regulators is >99% (4–5% better than dimmer type), designed to deliver 100% continuous duty & for economic life of 15-20 years without any trouble

• SILICON DIODES are tested in house and similar PIV batch & same forward drop diodes are used for equal load sharing & reducing power losses of diodes. Diodes are fitted with suitable heat sink & hole storage resistors & capacitors

• We paint the equipment with epoxy paint after two coats of epoxy primer, which is resistant to acidic environment

• We use AE / RISHABH / ENERCON make meters only, which are quite accurate & durable


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